select position, salary, row_number()over(partitionby position orderby salary) as rnk from candidates orderby position DESC
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
select a.position, a.rnk, sum(j.salary) from(select id,position, salary, row_number()over(partitionby position orderby salary) as rnk from candidates orderby position DESC) as a join (select id,position, salary, row_number()over(partitionby position orderby salary) as rnk from candidates orderby position DESC) as j on a.position = j.position and a.rnk >= j.rnk groupby a.position,a.rnk;
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
select a.position, a.rnk, (selectsum(j.salary) from (select id ,position ,salary ,row_number()over(partitionby position orderby salary) as rnk from candidates orderby position DESC) as j where a.position = j.position and a.rnk >= j.rnk ) as cumulative_salary -- select中直接进行两表连接和聚合查询 from(select id,position, salary, row_number()over(partitionby position orderby salary) as rnk from candidates orderby position DESC) as a
方法二: 使用rows between unbounded preceding and current row实现到当前行的聚合累加
unbounded preceding 表示最开始的行记录
1 2 3 4
select id,position, salary, row_number()over(partitionby position orderby salary) as rnk, sum(salary) over(partitionby position orderby salary rowsbetween unbounded preceding andcurrentrow) as cumulative_salary from candidates orderby position DESC;
select junior,senior from(select b.position, b.rnk as junior, b.cumulative_budget as j_budget,sen.rnk as senior,sen.cumulative_budget as s_budget from(select position, row_number()over(partitionby position orderby salary) as rnk , sum(salary) over(partitionby position orderby salary rowsbetween unbounded preceding andcurrentrow) as cumulative_budget from candidates where position ='junior'and salary <=50000 orderby salary ) b -- 表内为所有小于50000的junior按工资数额正序排列, -- 并返回各雇佣数目的累计所需budget fulljoin -- mysql居然不支持full join... -- 可以将left outer join 和right outer join的结果再进行union (select position,rnk,cumulative_budget from (select position, salary,row_number()over(partitionby position orderby salary) as rnk, sum(salary) over(partitionby position orderby salary rowsbetween unbounded preceding andcurrentrow) as cumulative_budget from candidates orderby position DESC, cumulative_budget DESC) a where position ='senior'and cumulative_budget <=50000 limit 1) sen -- 表内为实现预算内最大化的senior雇佣花费和雇佣senior的人数 on b.cumulative_budget + sen.cumulative_budget <=50000 -- 使用join实现雇佣senior的remains最大化的junior雇佣数量 orderby b.rnk limit 1)final
-- 另:union后的结果作为新的母表进行嵌套查询的语法为 select from( (select A from A) union (select B from B)) as alias -- 即内部需要括号但不需要alias